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S U M M E R   2 0 1 5   ::  P R A C T I C U M  ::  O N E  S P E C I A L I Z E D   T H R E E   W E E K   C O U R S E  

M E D I C A L   A N T H R O P O L O G Y   S E C T I O N


S I N G L E   S E S S I O N  ::  M A Y  2 3  -  J U N E  1 4






S U M M E R  2 0 1 5   C O U R S E   O V E R V I E W




The Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School Practicum Sessions are 3 week long intensive ethnographic training modules designed for students who are seeking to learn some of the basic techniques used within ethnographic research. This course is ideal for students who can not dedicate 6 weeks to the advanced course.


The Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School Special Session in Medical Anthropology: Teen Pregnancy and HIV Prevention session is a specialized modification of our Methods Practicum course. Each student will receive the necessary reading materials via e-mail for downloading prior to the beginning of the Field School and are required to have read the materials before attending the session.


This special session will focus on aspects of Teen Pregnancy and HIV Prevention, with a focus on those two aspects on Isla Mujeres.


Students will attend lectures on ethnographic methods, medical anthropology and community health and will conduct a series of practical methodological exercises throughtout the session.


At the end of the session students will participate in a Teen Pregnancy and HIV Prevention Community Outreach, Educationa and HIV Testing Clinic.


Lead Instructor:  Dr. Todd Pierce 

Outreach Practicum Director:   Dr. Carlos Cabrera, MD -- Fundacion Brazos Abiertos of Merida Yucatan





C O U R S E   D E S C R I P T I O N




The Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School Medical Anthropology Practicum Session will teach students how to prepare for and conduct ethnographic fieldwork as well as how to put that research into real action. Preparation for field research includes learning about ethics in human subjects research, understanding emic vs. etic perspectives, establishing rapport, awareness of the politics of representation, and the importance of reflexivity in “writing culture.”


Special attention will be focused on medical issues within populations, with a particular focus on connecting local non-Western ideologies with biomedical systems, understanding the differences between the two systems both in theory and practice on the local level, as well as in the application of prevention efforts.


We will discuss changing ideas about “the field” in anthropological fieldwork, and new topics and sites for ethnographic research. We will also read and discuss excerpts from the fieldwork accounts of medical anthropologists.


This course offers intensive training on several key ethnographic methods. Students will be required to attend daily lectures and complete a large series of practical exercises using the methods they learn about.




C O U R S E   G O A L S




  • Learn key concepts through which anthropologists conduct fieldwork to compare similarities and differences in human societies. 


  • Be able to carry out research by participant observation as well as other ethnographic methodological techniques, such as open ended and directed interviewing.


  • Understand the code of ethics that guides the profession and how human subjects are protected in ethnographic research.


  • Understand how to design and carry out an ethnographic research project and to analyze the results of the research.


  • Be able to communicate knowledge gained about ethnographic methods and about the results of your ethnographic research project.


  • Be able to put their research findings into action through culturally sensitive and specific community outreach.





L E A R N I N G   O U T C O M E S 




By the end of this course, through in-class discussions ,interactions and student presentations, students will demonstrate:



  • Knowledge of the key concepts of ethnography both as a comparative method for collecting research data and as a scholarly product of anthropological fieldwork.



  • Knowledge of how ethics and human subjects protection apply to ethnographic research.



  • Ability to conduct ethnographic research using a variety of key methods (including recording field notes and other field data), and to analyze the results of that research.



C O U R S E   R E Q U I R E M E N T S   A N D   N O T E S




All students must complete an on-line Human Subjects Protection Certificate prior to attending the IFS Field School.


Attendance is absolutely essential. Come to class prepared to participate. Complete the assigned readings before class, engage in classroom discussions and group activities.


Bring all assigned readings to class on the day they are to be discussed. [15 points]


Field Note Development [10 points]


Vignette Development [10 points]


Practicum Exercises [50 points]


Final Medical Anthropology Practicum and Presentation [15 points]




C R E D I T S   A N D   T U I T I O N   D E A D L I N E S




Students will be committed to a minimum of 40 hours of lectures and practical exercises per week.


The IFS suggested credit value of the Methods Practicum Session is 3 credits as a Methods Course.


Acceptance and assignment of these credits must be arranged through the student's home university.



The Tuition Deadline for the Practicum Medical Anthropology Section Session one is May 1st.

Each 3 week Methods Practicum Session costs $2,650 per student and includes ethnographic methods training, lodging at Hotel Paraison Mexicano, as well as some field excursions.


You must include your full name and application acceptance code when sending your payment. You will receive an application acceptance code once your application to attend the Field School has been reviewed and you have been accepted to the school.


Please Contact us at to arrange for payment options.


Tuition does not include your transportation (flights, taxis and ferry ride to the island).


Our Basic Housing for the Field School is at Hotel Paraiso Mexicano (see link above) and is included in the tuition costs.





T U I T I O N   D I S C O U N T





If you apply and are accepted to join the field school:


Pay your tuition in full by April 1st for Session One and receive a $250 Tuition Discount.


Pay your tuition in full by May 1st for Session Two and receive a $250 Tuition Discount..





H O W   T O   P R E P AR E 









Each IFS student will be responsible for bringing the equipment they will need for the fieldschool:.



  • Field Research Bag (small backpack, soft shoulder briefcase or courier bag)



  • Laptop Computer (with working wifi modem)



  • Scratch Note Pads



  • Camera (video camera optional, but encouraged)    



  •  Audio Recording Device                 



  • Local Cell Phone (this will be obtained during orientation (Price: $30 USD)




Spending Money




Student’s lodging (food is not included) is covered in the cost of IFS Tuition, but you will want to venture out to enjoy all that Isla Mujeres offers -- there are a lot of great restaurants on the island.  When not doing field research, attending lectures or writing up field notes, we suspect you might want to enjoy the stunning beaches and energetic nightlife here on the island.



We suggest that you plan on having about $1,500 USD or more in spending money in reserve for the 6 Week Advanced Methods Courses and $750 USD or more available for the 3 Week Practicum Courses.  



You will trade your home-country currency in for pesos when you arrive, or withdraw as pesos from an ATM..









Typical Dinner Out =~ $20 US


Typical Lunch Out =~ $7 US


Delicious Taco in The Colonias =~ .80 US


Cup of Coffee in Centro =~ $2 US


Golf Cart Rental for One Day =~ $50 US


Moto Rental for One Day =~ $30 US


Taxi to and from Airport =~ $100 US (expect $65 coming to Isla, $30 going back)


Ultramar Ferry from Cancun =~ $14 US Round Trip


Local Island Taxi =~ Roughly $2 to $7 US


Coca Cola from a Tienda =~ $1 US


Typical Beer =~ $3 US at a bar


Custom Made Pinata =~ $30 US


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