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W I N T E R    A N D    S P R I N G    B R E A K   2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7   S E S S I O N   O F F E R I N G S



2   W I N T E R   O N E - W E E K   E N V I R O N M E N T A L   R E S E A R C H   P R A C T I C U M   I N T E N S I V E S

M I N I M U M   3   S T U D E N T S  --  1 0 %   T U I T I O N   D I S C O U N T   F O R   G R O U P S   O F   3   O R   M O R E

$ 1 4 0 0   U S D   I N C L U D I N G   L O D G I N G  


A L L   M A J O R S  , C O N T I N U I N G    E D U C A T I O N  +  M U L T I D I S C I P L I N A R Y   S T U D E N T S   W E L C O M E

S E S S I O N   1    D E C   10  -   D E C   1 8   2 0 1 7

A P P L I C A T I O N   D E A D L I N E   N O V E M B E R   1   2 0 1 6 


S E S S I O N   2   J A N   7   -   J A N   1 5   2 0 1 7

A P P L I C A T I O N   D E A D L I N E   D E C E M B E R   1   2 0 1 6



2   W I N T E R   O N E - W E E K   I N T E N S I V E   M E T H O D S   P R A C T I C U M S :

C U L T U R A L   H E R I T A G E   A N D   I M M E R S I O N

M I N I M U M   3   S T U D E N T S  --  1 0 %   T U I T I O N   D I S C O U N T   F O R   G R O U P S   O F   3   O R   M O R E

$ 1 1 5 0   U S D   I N C L U D I N G   L O D G I N G 


A L L   M A J O R S  , C O N T I N U I N G    E D U C A T I O N  +  M U L T I D I S C I P L I N A R Y   S T U D E N T S   W E L C O M E

S E S S I O N   1    D E C   10  -   D E C   1 8   2 0 1 7

A P P L I C A T I O N   D E A D L I N E   N O V E M B E R   1   2 0 1 6 


S E S S I O N   2   J A N   7   -   J A N   1 5   2 0 1 7

A P P L I C A T I O N   D E A D L I N E   D E C E M B E R   1   2 0 1 6


2   W I N T E R   O N E - W E E K   E T H N O G R A P H I C   M E T H O D S   W R I T I N G   W O R K S H O P S 

M I N I M U M   3   S T U D E N T S  --  1 0 %   T U I T I O N   D I S C O U N T   F O R   G R O U P S   O F   3   O R   M O R E

$ 1 1 5 0   U S D   I N C L U D I N G   L O D G I N G


 A L L   M A J O R S  , C O N T I N U I N G    E D U C A T I O N  +  M U L T I D I S C I P L I N A R Y   S T U D E N T S   W E L C O M E

S E S S I O N   1    D E C   10  -   D E C   1 8   2 0 1 7

A P P L I C A T I O N   D E A D L I N E   N O V E M B E R   1   2 0 1 6 


S E S S I O N   2   J A N   7   -   J A N   1 5   2 0 1 7

A P P L I C A T I O N   D E A D L I N E   D E C E M B E R   1   2 0 1 6

2   W I N T E R   O N E - W E E K   R E S T O R A T I V E   R E T R E A T S 

M I N I M U M   3   S T U D E N T S  --  1 0 %   T U I T I O N   D I S C O U N T   F O R   G R O U P S   O F   3   O R   M O R E

$ 8 5 0   U S D  I N C L U D I N G   L O D G I N G  


 A L L   M A J O R S  , C O N T I N U I N G    E D U C A T I O N  +  M U L T I D I S C I P L I N A R Y   S T U D E N T S   W E L C O M E

S E S S I O N   1    D E C   10  -   D E C   1 8   2 0 1 7

A P P L I C A T I O N   D E A D L I N E   N O V E M B E R   1   2 0 1 6 


S E S S I O N   2   J A N   7   -   J A N   1 5   2 0 1 7

A P P L I C A T I O N   D E A D L I N E   D E C E M B E R   1   2 0 1 6

H O W  T O   A P P L Y   F O R   W I N T E R   A N D   S P R I N G   B R E A K   S E S S I O N S


For Winter and Spring Break Sessions, we require only a letter of interest and a non-official copy of the student transcript, along with a photo and proof of insurance.

No Letters of Recommendation are required.

$500.00USD deposit due within one week of acceptance.

E N V I R O N M E N T A L    R E S E A R C H   P R A C T I C U M   I N T E N S I V E   O V E R V I E W




The Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School Environmental Research Practicum Intensive courses focus on environmental issues. Students will become familiar with various environmental issues that the island faces, plus attend daily lectures on theory, methods and practice from Dr. Pierce, as well as local expert guest lecturers.s from local experts.


The main focus will be on marine life conservation, including reef protection, Sea Turtle, Spotted Eagle Ray, Whale Shark and Giant Manta Ray conservation, as well as over-fishing and poaching issues.  The session will also analyze local water and waste management issues and beach conservation, as well as  issues of tourist economy agendas and impacts.


Students will become familiar with the island and the people who live here and experience a cultural immersion that is applied in focus.  


All students will become PADI Open Water Certified divers, as well as Marine Species Identification Certified, and Emergency O2 provider certified,  Students will undergo  PADI Project AWARE training and will participate in a Dive Against Debris.

NOTE: The second session students may be lucky enough to actually see large Spotted Eagle Rays while diving, as this session takes place  during their annual migration period. 

Lead Instructor:  Dr. Todd Pierce -- MINIMUM THREE STUDENTS PER SESSION



T U I T I O N   A N D   P A Y M E N T  D E A D L I N E S

The Winter Methods Practicum Intensive is $1,400.00 USD which includes 8 nights of lodgeing and all aforementioned activities.  



The Tuition Deadline for Session 1  is November 10 2016,  

The Tuition Deadline for Session 2 is December 7 2016.

Please Contact us at to arrange payment options.


Tuition costs include housing (single occupancy room - double occupancy is available upon request) at Hotel Paraiso Mexicano in Centro, Isla Mujeres within walking distance of shops, restaurants, the Ultramar ferry and famous Playa Norte.  Each room includes TV, Wifi, AC, refrigerator, full shower bath, hot water and window.  A communal, covered full kitchen and dipping pool are available to all guests in the courtyard. Meals are not included in the plan, although complimentary purified drinking water is available at the hotel all day, as well as coffee in the mornings. If two participants wish to share a room, please contact us for adjusted costs.


Non 'classroom' activities will include island tours and cultural familiarization, and informal social events with locals and expats. 


There will be many optional activities on the island such as cultural activities, swimming, yoga, snorkeling and scuba diving and fishing.


You must include your full name and application acceptance code when sending your payment.


You will receive an application acceptance code once your application to attend the Field School has been reviewed and you have been accepted to the school.


Our Basic Housing for the Field School is at Hotel Paraiso Mexicano and is included in student tuition costs.

Tuition does not include your transportation (flights, taxis and Ultramar ferry ride to the island) or food.

Please contact us at to arrange for payment options.





H O W   T O   P R E P A R E 





Spending Money




Student’s lodging (food is not included) is covered in the cost of tuition, but you will want to venture out to enjoy all that Isla Mujeres offers -- there are a lot of great restaurants and musical venues on the island.  When not doing field research, attending lectures or writing up field notes, we suspect you might want to enjoy the stunning beaches and energetic nightlife.



We suggest that you plan on having about $250 USD or more in spending money in reserve.

You will trade your home-country currency in for pesos when you arrive, or withdraw as pesos from an ATM..









Typical Dinner Out = ~ $10-20 US


Typical Lunch Out = ~ $7 US


Delicious Taco in The Colonias = ~ .80 US


Cup of Coffee in Centro = ~ $2 US


Golf Cart Rental for One Day = ~ $50 US


Moto Rental for One Day = ~ $30 US


Taxi to and from Airport = ~ $100 US (expect $65 coming to Isla, $30 going back)


Ultramar Ferry from Cancun = ~ $14 US Round Trip


Local Island Taxi = ~ Roughly $2 to $6 US


Coca Cola from a Tienda = ~ $1 US


Typical Beer = ~ $2 US at a bar


Custom Made Pinata = ~ $30 US

I N T E N S I V E   M E T H O D S  P R A C T I C U M : 

 C U L T U R A L   H E R I T A G E   A N D   I M M E R S I O N   C O U R S E   O V E R V I E W




The Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School Methods Practicum Intensive Immersion Course focuses on cultural immersion on the island.


Students will attend daily lectures that focus on various salient issues, such as medical anthropology, economy, language and environment -- as well as the history of the island and how rapid changes in past decades have impacted the island on multiple levels.


This course offers intensive training on several key ethnographic methods. Students will be required to attend daily lectures and complete a series of practical exercises using the methods they learn about. This course will be a more generalized focus on methods, cultural process, meaning, symbolism and cultural practice.  


Students will engage with local experts and stake-holders and become familiar with life on the island.  Students will also participate in a trip to visit the Maya historical sites of Chichen Itza and Ek Balam, with a visit to swim in an ancient sub-terrenean Cenote.

NOTE:   First Winter Session Students will enjoy the Island's Christmas Heritage, which is very rich with community and family activities happening almost daily. The first Sunday of the first session will be the Festejos de Guadalupe in the Colonias, which brings thousands of islanders together in celebration.

Lead Instructor:  Dr. Todd Pierce -- MINIMUM THREE STUDENTS



T U I T I O N   A N D   P A Y M E N T  D E A D L I N E S

The Winter Intensive Methods Practicum is $1,150.00 USD which includes 8 nights of lodging and all aforementioned activities.  



The Tuition Deadline for Session 1  is November 1 2016,  

The Tuition Deadline for Session 2 is December 1 2016.

Please Contact us at to arrange payment options.


Tuition costs include housing (single occupancy room - double occupancy is available upon request) at Hotel Paraiso Mexicano in Centro, Isla Mujeres within walking distance of shops, restaurants, the Ultramar ferry and famous Playa Norte.  Each room includes TV, Wifi, AC, refrigerator, full shower bath, hot water and window.  A communal, covered full kitchen and dipping pool are available to all guests in the courtyard. Meals are not included in the plan, although complimentary purified drinking water is available at the hotel all day, as well as coffee in the mornings. If two participants wish to share a room, please contact us for adjusted costs.


Non 'classroom' activities will include island tours and cultural familiarization, and informal social events with locals and expats. 


There will be many optional activities on the island such as cultural activities, swimming, yoga, snorkeling and scuba diving and fishing. 


You must include your full name and application acceptance code when sending your payment.


You will receive an application acceptance code once your application to attend the Field School has been reviewed and you have been accepted to the school.


Our Basic Housing for the Field School is at Hotel Paraiso Mexicano and is included in student tuition costs.

Tuition does not include your transportation (flights, taxis and Ultramar ferry ride to the island) or food.

Please contact us at to arrange for payment options.




H O W   T O   P R E P A R E 





Spending Money




Student’s lodging (food is not included) is covered in the cost of tuition, but you will want to venture out to enjoy all that Isla Mujeres offers -- there are a lot of great restaurants and musical venues on the island.  When not doing field research, attending lectures or writing up field notes, we suspect you might want to enjoy the stunning beaches and energetic nightlife.



We suggest that you plan on having about $250 USD or more in spending money in reserve for the two-week Winter Research Design Symposium.


You will trade your home-country currency in for pesos when you arrive, or withdraw as pesos from an ATM..









Typical Dinner Out = ~ $10-20 US


Typical Lunch Out = ~ $7 US


Delicious Taco in The Colonias = ~ .80 US


Cup of Coffee in Centro = ~ $2 US


Golf Cart Rental for One Day = ~ $50 US


Moto Rental for One Day = ~ $30 US


Taxi to and from Airport = ~ $100 US (expect $65 coming to Isla, $30 going back)


Ultramar Ferry from Cancun = ~ $14 US Round Trip


Local Island Taxi = ~ Roughly $2 to $6 US


Coca Cola from a Tienda = ~ $1 US


Typical Beer = ~ $2 US at a bar


Custom Made Pinata = ~ $30 US

E T H N O G R A P H I C   M E T H O D S   W R I T I N G   W O R K S H O P   O V E R V I E W




The breakdown of the term 'ethnography' literally translates as 'writing culture.'



The Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School Ethnographic Methods Workshop will educate students in a range of the most effective ethnographic writing techniques, provide a space for discussion concerning the evolving nature of writing techniques and genres, and assist students in honing necessary cross-disciplinary communication skills with the ultimate goal of professional publication / presentation.


Ethnography and writing go hand in hand. Ethnography requires gathering, integrating, investigating, and questioning information. In order to most effectively communicate that material to a wider audience, it is imperative to present it in the most effective form to complement the research, allowing for greatest effectiveness and impact.


Ethnographic writing can take many forms. This workshop will explore a diverse range of forms aiding students to structure their work in the most effective format. .

Impact will be a main focal point of the workshop through exploration of form, genre, and discussion of content, process, and research. Too often, writing of this import languishes in academia, having little to no practical effect after the project’s been completed. Diversifying writing content and technique allows for wider reach and influence.


Workshop Goals


Discuss ethnographic writing styles and elements of craft


Workshop a chosen work and hone for professional publication/presentation


Research an article about your chosen ethnographic writing style


Daily observation journal


Short daily reading (ethnographic writing examples in multiple genres)

Students will engage with local experts and stake-holders and become familiar with life on the island.  Students will also participate in a trip to visit the Maya historical sites of Chichen Itza and Ek Balam, with a visit to swim in an ancient sub-terrenean Cenote.

NOTE:   First Winter Session Students will enjoy the Island's Christmas Heritage, which is very rich with community and family activities happening almost daily. The first Sunday of the first session will be the Festejos de Guadalupe in the Colonias, which brings thousands of islanders together in celebration.

Lead Instructor:  Dr. Todd Pierce -- MINIMUM THREE STUDENTS



T U I T I O N   A N D   P A Y M E N T  D E A D L I N E S

The Winter Ethnographic Methods Writing Workshop is $1,150.00 USD which includes 8 nights of lodging and all aforementioned activities.  



The Tuition Deadline for Session 1  is November 1 2016,  

The Tuition Deadline for Session 2 is December 1 2016.

Please Contact us at to arrange payment options.


Tuition costs include housing (single occupancy room - double occupancy is available upon request) at Hotel Paraiso Mexicano in Centro, Isla Mujeres within walking distance of shops, restaurants, the Ultramar ferry and famous Playa Norte.  Each room includes TV, Wifi, AC, refrigerator, full shower bath, hot water and window.  A communal, covered full kitchen and dipping pool are available to all guests in the courtyard. Meals are not included in the plan, although complimentary purified drinking water is available at the hotel all day, as well as coffee in the mornings. If two participants wish to share a room, please contact us for adjusted costs.


Non 'classroom' activities will include island tours and cultural familiarization, and informal social events with locals and expats. 


There will be many optional activities on the island such as cultural activities, swimming, yoga, snorkeling and scuba diving and fishing. 


You must include your full name and application acceptance code when sending your payment.


You will receive an application acceptance code once your application to attend the Field School has been reviewed and you have been accepted to the school.


Our Basic Housing for the Field School is at Hotel Paraiso Mexicano and is included in student tuition costs.

Tuition does not include your transportation (flights, taxis and Ultramar ferry ride to the island) or food.

Please contact us at to arrange for payment options.




H O W   T O   P R E P A R E 





Spending Money




Student’s lodging (food is not included) is covered in the cost of tuition, but you will want to venture out to enjoy all that Isla Mujeres offers -- there are a lot of great restaurants and musical venues on the island.  When not doing field research, attending lectures or writing up field notes, we suspect you might want to enjoy the stunning beaches and energetic nightlife.



We suggest that you plan on having about $250 USD or more in spending money in reserve for the two-week Winter Research Design Symposium.


You will trade your home-country currency in for pesos when you arrive, or withdraw as pesos from an ATM..









Typical Dinner Out = ~ $10-20 US


Typical Lunch Out = ~ $7 US


Delicious Taco in The Colonias = ~ .80 US


Cup of Coffee in Centro = ~ $2 US


Golf Cart Rental for One Day = ~ $50 US


Moto Rental for One Day = ~ $30 US


Taxi to and from Airport = ~ $100 US (expect $65 coming to Isla, $30 going back)


Ultramar Ferry from Cancun = ~ $14 US Round Trip


Local Island Taxi = ~ Roughly $2 to $6 US


Coca Cola from a Tienda = ~ $1 US


Typical Beer = ~ $2 US at a bar


Custom Made Pinata = ~ $30 US

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